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An election for president o the United States is helping every four years on Election Day. on Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The election procedure begins with the primary election and caucus and moves to nomination conventions, during which political parties each select a nominee. The nominee also announces a Vice President running mate at this time. The candidates then plan to voters and participate in debates with candidates from other parties. During the general election. Americans head to the polls to cast their vote for president. But the tally of that votes-the popular vote -does not determine the winner. To win the election, a candidate must receive a majority of Electoral Votes:

Who announces the running mate for President?

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

Noun (বিশেষ্য)

যে word দ্বারা কোন কিছুর নাম প্রকাশ করা হয় তাকেই noun বলে । আম

যেমনঃ  Man, Girl, Kamal, Badal, Rahim, Riya,, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Kolkata, Delhi.


Jhon Seely তাঁর Oxford A-Z of Grammar & Punctuation বইতে লেখেন,

Nouns are words used to identify people, places, things, and ideas. 

Concrete Noun: যে Noun এর বাহ্যিক বা দৈহিক অবস্থিতি আছে এবং যাকে ইন্দ্রিয়ের দ্বারা উপলব্ধি করা যায় তাকে Concrete Noun বলে। যেমন: boy, book ইত্যাদি।

Noun কে প্রধানত পাঁচ ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়। যথা-

  1. Proper Noun
  2. Common Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Material Noun
  5. Abstract Noun
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